title="Kings Walden Parish Council in Hertfordshire">Site A-Z  


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   Litter Pick - Volunteers Needed!    24 May, 2021


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   New Councillor Co-opted    7 April, 2021

Cllr Brenda James has been co-opted to Kings Walden parish council.

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   Parish Council Meeting    16 March, 2021

The next Parish Council meeting will be held (by Zoom video conferencing) on Tuesday 16th March, 7.30 p.m.

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   New Parish Clerk    8 March, 2021

Kings Walden Parish Councikl is delighted to announce that Lisa Lathane has been appointed as the new clerk to the council, 

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   New Councillor Co-opted    7 March, 2021

Cllr Martin Mulgrew of Colemans Road, Breachwood Green has been co-opted to council.  

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   Youth Club Closed    25 September, 2020

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the youth club will remain closed until March 2021.

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   The Breachwood Owl    9 July, 2020

The council has commissioned a tree scuplture in front of the Breachwood Green village hall.

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   Play Areas Open    4 July, 2020

The council has opened the Breachwood Green and Ley Green play areas. The junior swings at Breachwood Green are out of actinwhile the new safety surface beds in.

Users are reminded to observe all Covid-19 restrictions

  • Follow the current social distance guidelines and encourage your children to do the same.
  • If the playground is busy, consider coming back art a later time. Talk to your children about this before visiting.
  • Wash your and your children’s hands before and after visiting. Take hand sanitiser with you and consider taking a bottle of water to wash children’s hands.
  • Follow and adhere to all current government advice in addition to the above guidance.
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   Kings Walden Parish Council website accessibility statement    19 January, 2020

Kings Walden Parish Council has published a website accessibility statement...

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