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Breachwood Cricket Club

Breachwood Green Cricket Club plays its’ home matches on the Recreation Ground. We play in the North Herts League on Sunday afternoons from late April to mid September, and in the Luton Midweek Friendly League on Wednesday evenings between mid May and late July.

Pre-season nets are held on Wednesday evenings in February, March and April and this year are at Denbigh School in Luton between 9 and 10pm on Wednesday evenings.

We are a social club who play to win but don’t lose any sleep if we don’t. We are always on the look out for new playing or social members and anyone interested should contact one of the following:

Alan French (Chairman) 07958-961651
Tim Hughes (Treasurer) 07949-088767
Nick Merchant (Secretary) 07940-909999
Jon Hall (Fixture Secretary) 07803-457170.